Tuesday, April 14, 2015


to this very day, I still wonder how things are gonna be;
how WE are gonna be if I didn't ask you the question that night, four months ago.
would we still belong together?
or would we end up differently?

been thinking about it for, I don't know, these past few sleepless nights.
what if I didn't ask you that night?
what if I let the opportunity slip away?
what if... well too many what-if(s) to be very honest.

I know I should keep my true thought locked up somewhere,
but I, once again, let myself filled my heart with these uncertain feelings,
and this piece of thought, that we might have grown apart in our own pathways.
(well, even just the thought itself scares the hell out of me..)

but somehow, my (naive) heart is now trying to convince myself that I did the right thing,
asked you the question about us,
about what we were that time.

I don't know where is life taking us,
and even if I didn't ask about it, I believe things would ended up like it should be,
like we have it right now.

to my dear man, happy quatre. X